Organics Group News, Events and Articles
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The Collection and Use of Biogas can Contribute Significantly to Climate Protection
The use of biogas generated from organic material is an effective mechanism to significantly reduce the noxious effects of anthropomorphic methane accumulation and a highly efficient method in ensuring that the carbon footprint of industrial activities, especially...
Ammonia Removal from Wastewater
To many wastewater engineers, ammonia removal from wastewater represents a problem that directly affects the operational bottom-line profit as, if a carbon source that acts as food for anoxic bacteria is required to remove ammonia from wastewater, operational costs...
Biogas as a Fuel Source
Over the last thirty years, the use of biogas as a renewable fuel source has not only become a well-understood field of expertise, it has also become an attractive investment as it fulfils many of the criteria laid down by legislation designed to meet International...
Ammonia – A Much Maligned Mixture
Unless, unlike me, you are a bit of a boffin, ammonia and how it benefits us does not figure much in our awareness. In fact, to many, it is a much-maligned mixture of elements. After all, it smells terrible to most people and if it is concentrated to high levels, such...
Climate Change and the COVID Crisis
April 2020. A global pandemic has taken the world by surprise and, although it is still too early to fully appreciate the consequences, the auguries for a rapid recovery do not appear to be encouraging. The drive towards renewable energy and the implementation of the...
Removal, Recovery and Re-use of Ammoniacal Nitrogen from Wastewater for Power Generation
Power generation from the ammonia contained in wastewater at first sounds a bit like a green-lobby dream. Taking a pollutant, that requires so much effort to control, and using it for a beneficial outcome is in fact a real possibility. It has been estimated that the combined global emissions of ammonia are to the order of 800,000 tonnes per day.
Nothing to Ammonia About
As is well known, leachate is created by the passage of water through landfills, which contain a pretty comprehensive and random mixture of nearly all of the materials employed in modern-day society. It is the liquid produced by rainwater, groundwater, and biological...
Stripping Ammonia in Anaerobic Digesters
GIVEN its high population density, coupled with the demanding environmental standards enforced by the Environmental Protection Department, it is not surprising that Hong Kong served as the incubator for our process to remove ammonia from wastewater. What has resulted...
The Tree of Plenty
The palm tree from which oil is harvested is perhaps one of the most versatile crops known to man and an important element for the implementation of the circular economy (Figure 1). As the diagram below indicates, the list of products obtainable from palm oil is very...
Organics Group Bulletin
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